Unvaccinated high school student is suing the health department for banning him from school during a chicken pox outbreak

Unexpectedly wholesome. Thanks Dioptase!

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Not exceptional at all for that age. That is the key. My youngest got it at 7 mos (too young for the vaccines, another vulnerable population) and I am not convinced she knew she was ill at all.


Chickenpox sure as shit can kill. Typical complications being pneumonia and encephalitis. And severity and risk of complications rise with age.

That was the entire justification for the whole pox party thing, whereby people allowed their young kids to contract chicken pox so they could get it over with while the infection was least likely to be severe.


Absolutely this.

And if you know someone about to turn eighteen who you suspect hasn’t been vaccinated, do you give them a nudge?


Proper headline: “Dumb child too self centered to understand the point of public health decisions applying to himself.”


Of course not. That’s God’s will.

(I’m being mostly sarcastic, but… maybe not as much as I would like.)

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Yes, and 9 characters.


I guess it’s true that it’s not the most deadly condition but I got it as a kid and it was really annoying. Not to mention I’m supposedly succptible to shingles as an adult because of that. So I wouldn’t downplay the risks.


I was sixteen when I got chicken pox, I think. And while it was a relatively mild case – much easier than what you went through – it was one hell of a miserable experience. The itching was awful, and it left me with some pock-marks on my face. (They’ve mostly faded away, but you can still see them if you know to look for them.)


But scientists say that viruses don’t have a gender. That would get all the conservatives ruling against it as viruses are obviously agender/transgender, and going against God’s will.

The liberals would also rule against it because viruses as speech is a stupid idea.


I am zero sympathetic to the argument that his faith prevents him from being vaccinated. I want to see incontrovertible proof that this kid and his family actually attend church on a regular basis. Just saying you’re a Christian doesn’t make you a Christian. You also don’t get to make up wacky Libertarian strictures and attribute them to your Christianity.


Nothing supposed about it. Same virus, varicella zoster. Shingles is just the term for later reoccurrence of infection/illness in some one who was previously infected. You can’t get shingles without first having chicken pox, and clearing the infection.

Like a lot of viruses it likes to linger in out of the way places.


Tell that to people in their 50s who now have Shingles because they had the Chickenpox when they were a kid… A buttload of pain randomly and in random locations for the rest of your life… no big deal.


Last I checked there was no amendment guaranteeing “freedom to participate in extracurricular activities.”

Good luck wasting your money on lawyers and court costs, kid; you actively chose to be a walking petri dish of contagion, so now you need to go ahead and just deal with the consequences of that choice.


maybe they’re just banning him because they have somehow determined he is too stupid to benefit from an education?

He’s attending a Catholic school … Catholic theology does not ban vaccines, even the few that are grown in cell lines derived from long-ago abortions.

So he’s not even following the Catholic teachings.


I got chickpox as a kid and I thought it was no big deal until I got shingles as an adult. I will never be fully rid of my shingles symptoms. I wish I’d been vaccinated.


He isn’t sick … it’s standard practice to keep all the susceptible persons away from the outbreak site to protect THEM from getting the disease. Also minimizes the possible spread becasuse they won’t take it home to siblings and neighbours.


I’m one of the unvaccinated, but in my case it’s due to an egg allergy. Chicken Pox and the MMR vaccines would result in anaphylaxis. My mom tried to get me chicken pok the old-fashioned way and took me to play with every sick kid she could find. I never got chicken pox.

Then, I went to college. I picked it up my freshman year from a neighbor on my floor in the dorms. He was from Indonesia, but I don’t know if that’s relevant if he was in the US on a student visa. At any rate, I got it in a big way. Chicken Pox may be seen as a “not so serious” childhood disease, but getting it as an adult is no fun at all. 104F fever, delirium, not to mention the itchy pocks everywhere. The worst were the ones on the inside of my throat. I could barely swallow water. I think the only food I had for about a week was yogurt. I hate yogurt.

So, as for the object of the story? Good. Your right to your beliefs – religious, misguided, or even just dumb, ends where it puts me at risk. Don’t want yourself or your kids to be vaccinated? Go ahead. But, don’t go out in public.


I’m sure that others have already alluded to “The Darwin Award”… but in this case stupidity can take down the innocent in great numbers.