So tired of this foolish bullshit.
Well no, because in this context “conservative media” is actually referring to pro-fascist propaganda. Which includes not just Fox, but fringier outlets like “One America News Network” etc. that are driving Fox to be more extreme to maintain its audience. (And I’m not engaging in hyperbole with the “pro-fascist” bit - check out Tucker Carlson’s recent support for Viktor Orban, for instance. They’re being overt about it now.)
Self reflection is just weakness!
I don’t suppose Covid has a temporal component, where it can make people dumber before they catch it?
This. They’re not stupid, for the most part. Which makes my rapidly decreasing patience and rising disgust for them more reasonable with every passing day. They’re choosing to be this way. They’re choosing themselves over the rest of us. I was trying to be compassionate, but I’m all out. Dope slaps all around.
Yep - you’ve just said what I intended to write.
I’m instinctively against ID cards and requirements to prove identity to do everyday tasks - but fuck em - don’t get vaccinated, don’t join the rest of us enjoying the benefits of modern civilisation.
The term is “Reality based community”
There was a NYT article recently about the Delta surge and the comments got into blaming Biden “opening” the borders. So I went to check, in fact our borders with Mexico and Canada are closed until Aug. 21. People can only fly to the U.S. if they have a negative Covid test within 72 hours of their flight, etc. It’s not that hard to check these simple facts, that’s the thing that bums me out.
Came here to post this - but unvaccinated does not mean never previously infected. Also, many of these Covid deniers are also the sort who don’t get tested even if they think they might have it if their symptoms are mild enough.
That being said, correlation does not equal causation… but placing blame on “mainstream media” and foreigners also doesn’t hold up to scientific analysis so I think we won’t get much pushback.
And if their symptoms were mild but never got tested, maybe they only think that they’ve already had Covid, but really had a cold or flu.
A different take on the same poll?
Looking on the bright side of the half-full glass, 63% are not regurgitating the Hitlerian rhetoric from certain Republican leaders, i.e. that the COVID surge in Texas is all spread by filthy disease-carrying Jews border-crossers.
That faulty machismo goes hand in hand with the factually incorrect aphorism that what ever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Covid, for example, makes many people who survive the initial infection permanently disabled, not “stronger”.
“What fails to kill me, usually leaves me with a terrible hangover the next day.”
If there’s no need to worry whether the lies contradict each other, that old aphorism doesn’t have to hold true.
Vaccinated people, on the other hand, blame the surge on “The unvaccinated” (79%), “Donald Trump” (36%), and “Conservative media” (33%).
I’m hoping the poll allowed multiple answers and not just a single choice.
Clearly, in the above question, all three bear great responsibility for the surge.
They’re NOT juggling anything, they’re just spouting mouth diarrhea. There’s no internal logic, there’s just nothing.
Thinking this has anything to do with facts is erroneous.
Any conspiracy theory should be disregarded out of hand, not argued with, not disproven with fact. Just assume the idiot spouting it is in fact an idiot and move on.
Modern conspiracy theories aren’t intricate but finely-tuned Rube Goldberg machines. A better comparison would be Yves Tinguely’s exercises in self-demolition that fall apart after 5 minutes.
Choosing to be stupid is still stupid.