Utah lawyer says his religious beliefs are more important than sick people who use medical cannabis



I have always found that passage libellous towards goats.

The merest accident of microgeography had meant that the first man to hear the voice of Om, and who gave Om his view of humans, was a shepherd and not a goatherd. They have quite different ways of looking at the world, and the whole of history might have been different. For sheep are stupid, and have to be driven. But goats are intelligent, and need to be led.
– Terry Pratchett Small Gods.


My religious beliefs involve giving jackasses a boot to the head. I hope he will not try to deny my religious liberty and hold still.


Medication is medication, someone should probably tell him that people use aspirin or maybe even Alleve from time to time, too. If he can stand the shock of hearing such things, that is. People like him give religion a bad name, as if it needed any help.


I have only a passing awareness of the Bible and less of Mormonism and this Smith guy.
But, I just gotta’ say; they were smoking something.


I hope he’s not renting to unmarried women, Pentecostals, cancer patients or any other people who do activities counter to his deeply held religious beliefs. I’d hate to think those beliefs only matter when it’s not his choice…


Its not compelled speech if he chooses to own rental properties. If you don’t want to follow fair housing rules then don’t be a landlord.


While I think this is all ridiculous and the guy clearly has suspect non-religious motives, you should caveat your cannabis claims with actual factual references to support your position. From the Wikipedia:

Identification of kaneh bosem[edit]

While sources agree about the identity of four of the five ingredients of anointing oil, the identity of the fifth, “kaneh bosem”, has been a matter of debate. The Bible indicates that it was an aromatic cane or grass, which was imported from a distant land by way of the spice routes, and that a related plant grows naturally in Israel.[57][58] Several different plants have been named as possibly being the “kaneh bosem”.

Acorus calamus[edit]

Most lexicographers, botanists, and biblical commentators translate keneh bosem as “cane balsam”.[59][60] The Aramaic Targum Onkelos renders the Hebrew kaneh bosem in Aramaic as q’nei busma .[61] Ancient translations and sources identify this with the plant variously referred to as sweet cane, or sweet flag (nl. the Septuagint, the Rambam on Kerithoth 1:1, Saadia Gaon and Jonah ibn Janah). This plant is known to botanists as acorus calamus .[62] According to Aryeh Kaplan in The Living Torah , “It appears that a similar species grew in the Holy Land, in the Hula region in ancient times (Theophrastus, History of Plants 9:7).”[63]


Maimonides ( Yad, Kley HaMikdash 1:3), in contrast, indicates that it was the Indian plant, rosha grass ( Cymbopogon martinii ), which resembles red straw. Many standard reference works on Bible plants by Michael Zohary (University of Jerusalem, Cambridge, 1985), James A. Duke (2010), and Hans Arne Jensen (Danish 2004, English translation 2012) support this conclusion, arguing that the plant was a variety of Cymbopogon. James A. Duke, quoting Zohary, notes that it is “hopeless to speculate” about the exact species, but that Cymbopogon citratus (Indian lemon-grass) and Cymbopogon schoenanthus are also possibilities.[64][65] Kaplan follows Maimonides in identifying it as the Cymbopogon martinii or palmarosa plant.[63][66]

Cannabis, and others[edit]

Other possible identifications have also been made. Sula Benet in Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp (1967), identified it as cannabis .[67] Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan notes that “On the basis of cognate pronunciation and Septuagint readings, some identify Keneh bosem with the English and Greek cannabis , the hemp plant. There are, however, some authorities who identify the ‘sweet cane’ with cinnamon bark (Radak, Sherashim). Some say that kinman is the wood, and keneh bosem is the bark (Abarbanel).” [68] Benet in contrast argued that equating Keneh Bosem with sweet cane could be traced to a mistranslation in the Septuagint, which mistook Keneh Bosem, later referred to as “cannabos” in the Talmud, as “kalabos”, a common Egyptian marsh cane plant.[67]


Welcome, comrade…


Ugh, sounds like a Jordaddie acolyte.


The bumper sticker says it best:

Don’t like abortions - don’t have one.

Others can do anything within the bounds of LAW.


Given that Mr. Walter J. Plumb III owns a pharmaceutical company, in other words profits from providing medication, I am severely tempted to label him as a hypocritical asshat of the highest order.


This is just a stalking horse to go after women who have abortions next.


Moroni, what an arsehole!


I will lay odds he is already gearing up to get his lawyers after anyone who is “offended” by his religious belief and therefore seek to not do business with him. He would undoubtedly see this as outrageous discimination. It would be more accurate to portray his position as, what is that word? Oh yes, oligarchy. I am rich and so have an inherent right to dictate what poor people can and cannot do. A very common position now.


They are features, I’d say, of most religions.

Non-deistic religions are rare compared to deistic/theistic ones. And the most represented religions are exclusivist. They can’t be true if the claims of other religions are true. Mohammad, for instance, cannot be God’s true and last prophet at the same time as Jesus being God himself and the way to God being through Jesus. Christianity and Islam are not compatible. They can’t both be true at the same time. Same goes for mainstream Judiasm and Christianity - “Jews for Jesus” notwithstanding.

In your attempt to “correct” the record you are doing the same thing you are trying correct, only in the opposite direction.

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Fucking conservative snowflakes. Just look at this guys eyes, or lack thereof and you can almost feel the lies, hate and greed oozing out.

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I really hate the magic books. Between Pennsylvania, this knob and that bigot baker I think it’s time to retire them all.


and to be crystal clear, his religious beliefs also aren’t more important than someone just wanting to get high and have a laugh, or have slightly psychadelic sex, or sticking a bag of weed up their ass, dancing a jig and hailing Satan on a Sunday afternoon.


You can’t fix stupid.