Utah lawyer says his religious beliefs are more important than sick people who use medical cannabis

You can debate whether the warning is about real gods or false ones, but either way the command shows that the Abrahamic religions are exclusivist and incompatible with other religions.

There are some Hindu sects who believe that Jesus is an avatar of Vishnu. Technically this doesn’t break “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” and other religious commandments.

It might not break any Hindu precepts, but it is in direct conflict with the bible, for the Hindu are not following the Abrhamic god, and are therefore putting their own gods ahead of the god of the bible.

My particular violent fundamentalist sect of FSM believe in the literal word of pasta. We force convert anyone we meet through a ritual not unlike waterboarding, but with marina sauce. The real hard liners leave the meatballs in.


Aren’t Christians and Jews considered ‘people of the book’ in Islam tho?


That would open the door to not renting to gay couples, people of other religions, and all manner of discrimination based on “mah reeligion sez so!”

He’s not that kind of lawyer.

He appears to only deal with real estate. He’s a property developer first and foremost.

Yes, that’s entirely true.

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Exclusivist vs. inclusivist isn’t about whether other religions are recognized as existing or whether people of those religions are allowed to live. Jews and Christians aren’t considered correct about god or what god wants them to do. So the religions are incompatible theologically and epistemologically with Islam, which is exclusivist, regardless of the fact that the Abrahamic religions derive from the same initial source material.

A certain flavor of “conservative” believes they can claw back hetero white male hegemony from the clutches of “diversity” in the US if they can just find the right wedge to stick into anti-discrimination laws.


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