Vacaville man proves Bud Light as effective as water

See, this is one of those things that really makes me curious. Is it that spraying the roof and surrounds is ineffective always, is only effective for smaller fires, or is somewhat effective with a bunch of “what ifs”, many of which would leave the homeowner dead?

I keep thinking there has to be some way of designing a device that would keep spraying the house and roof down to try to save the home while the residents hightail it to safety. I mean, if nothing else, giving people hope so they evacuate might save lives. But if it was that simple…

(Thankfully wildfires is not something I have to worry about at my house; we are more prone to flooding… but I have friends who have to keep evacuating. Thankfully, their house hasn’t burned, but it would be devastating to them…)

(ETA: That last option of effectiveness would be deadly knowledge, since some people would stay back to try it, so any fireman worth his or her salt would lie about.)

I think in my case the fire is so big that near the tree tops it’s 1000F. You don’t want to be anywhere near a fire that big.

Some people turn their sprinklers on when they leave. Seems prudent to keep small sparks and hot ash from igniting nearby landscape. I don’t bother to take the time messing with sprinklers. I would spend that time moving gas cans to my driveway where firefighters can see it and deal with it instead of finding an unpleasant surprise in my shed.

A roof is tar and asphalt and composites like fiber glass. It seems to me it’s not something that catches fire easily. Obviously clean your gutters and debris from your roof, a huge pile of dead leaves on your house is not ideal in a fire.

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Bud Light + Lemonade + Vodka.

Refreshing and yummy. But one of those you have to watch out for because you don’t realize how much alcohol you’re consuming.

You can get a 77-pack of Natty Light for $30 which, unexplainably, contains more water than actual water.


Just curious - is the Bud Light just there to water down the lemonade? Because you could use seltzer and just a bit more vodka, and get the same effect. Bud Light, while not the execrable swill it is typically made out to be, really doesn’t have a lot of flavor. But maybe the hops balance the lemonade’s sweetness? I would try it, I guess, but I’d probably sub Coors Light, since I don’t like rice in my macro lager.

Ah Vacaville…

Used to live the next town over, and am so not surprised that if this story was to come out of CA that it came out of there.

Also, there’s a Budweiser factory a bit more to the west in Fairfield (right next to the ever awesome Jelly Belly factory).

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