Vanity Fair photoshops out Guy Pearce's Palestine lapel pin

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:roll_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that happens by mistake though :neutral_face:


incorrect versions of photos are accidentally published online all the time.


Someone had to decide to erase the lapel pin. Publishing the “incorrect” version might have been an accident, but creating it was not.


I guess it’s theoretically possible that the photographer or an intermediary photoshopped out the pin without the magazine’s knowledge but obviously it was an intentional act by someone.

In a just world it would be more controversial to be seen wearing a clothing label created by a fascist like Yves Saint Laurent, but for some reason almost all the big name fashion designers seem to have been smitten with the Nazis back in the 40s.


which is exactly what they said. having worked on design and page layout for a magazine, i could see them making 2 versions of the photo and the editor (or someone like an art director) intending to decide at the last minute which one gets placed. having the wrong image go out happens all the time.

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Seems shady a/f; I’m inclined to think it was no “mistake,” no matter how many versions of the photo were created/saved.


I am guessing they just start photoshopping out all statements, regardless of how quiet, ribbons, regardless of their color, etc.


It would be like admitting Guy Pearce wants gigs but has a publicist who phones into Vanity Fair and Harper’s Gazette and Buomo!¡ that could they please put a book burning and messy glassblowing shop in front of staging shots of their guy and remove the Palestinian pin and have the travelling lighted glass sarcophagus of Christ from Manila or Etruscus, whichever, in back? So they’ve got those galleys for photo clearance.

Stick with the 40°C formalwear shots, print shop!

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