Vegans expose quitters

I :heart: liverwurst.

I completely agree with this, we are omnivorous creatures, mean to have all types of teeth. we essentially eat whatever the hell we can find, from the period of hominid predominance to what we eat now; literally what ever thing we cant find as easiest. Take pizza for example, or a burger/hotdog/curry(for our uk people) to whatever it is you want… we eat like we live which is just a process. Animals are Animals people are people Soilent Green is people its just a way to sustain a biological organism thru complex chemical reactions to make ATP etc so that it can reproduce…

Silly meatist.


I love telling vegetarians that I used to be one. You can see them start to think how I just must not have had the self-discipline and then I tell them “for fifteen years.” It is awkward because usually my “record” is double what theirs is and when they say “Oh, I know I’ll never eat meat again” I can tell them “I thought that, too, at year six”

For the record: became a vegetarian for animal rights reasons. Quit because it came to feel mostly symbolic

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Well then, you sure know how to set those silly people right.

I have no problem with being an animal.

And I have no problem with being a human animal.

Sigh. You’re usually more clever than this!

Let’s see, how about this:

PS–That gorilla I shared with you, who’s likely a vegan, is pointing at his “incisors and canines.”

I just thought that you’ were trying to distract me with a hottie.

[quote=“milliefink, post:39, topic:2251, full:true”]
Your comment implies there’s something genetic about eating dead animals and their byproducts. Evidence, please.
[/quote] Your comment implies there’s something genetic about not eating dead animals.


No, it doesn’t (I feel like I’m at the Argument Clinic). I don’t think we’re genetically inclined toward either. We’re genetically inclined to eat food that sustains us, whatever that may be in given times and places. I’m just objecting to the claim that we’re specifically genetically inclined to eat meat.

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Well yes, being distracted by hotties does tend to pull blood from the brain.


Vitamin B12. It’s found almost exclusively in animal products. Vegans need to eat foods fortified with B12.

B12 is from bacteria in soil. B12-rich meat comes from animals that eat unwashed plants. Before our germophobic times, plants used to be eaten with enough dirt on them for the human eater to get plenty of B12 without eating meat. Nice try, but I’m still not hearing a convincing argument for a genetic need in humans to eat the flesh of other animals.

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That’s an interesting way of saying “the guts of herbivores”.

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You’re saying it’s not in/produced by bacteria in both places (let alone others)?

Funny, that’s exactly what I thought @fuzzyfuzzyfungu’s post implied too (inasmuch as it was arguing that grouping people by personal choice was more valid than grouping them by genetic trait, and putting veganism (and by extension, other dietary options) in the choice bracket).

You can find an archived version of the page here, for posterity, seeing as the domain has been redirected to a version of “Meet your meat”, which is a NSFW/L look into factory farming.

No, I’m saying that B12 from ingesting soil doesn’t appear to be a main or major source of B12 for any large-ish mammal.

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