Venture capitalists are putting on their own Olympics—with steroids allowed

Aw you beat me to it!

I was going to say, “The fucking went and did it!”


If you want too see a sport that has no drug testing, look at Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, the ADCC ( World championships for the sport basically ) doesn’t do testing at all. Have a look at Gordon Ryan and you can see what it does to your body, The guy is a multi time gold medallist, and is generally sick half the year with horrific stomach ulcers and different infections.

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That might be part of Thiel’s interest. He’s one of the VC bros of a certain age whose interest in the anti-aging aspects of what’s normally a vaguer transhumanism in the younger ones has taken an increasingly personal turn.

I suspect that this one has a higher stunt to science ratio than some of the others; but he’s certainly not disinterested in having people more expendable to him than he is testing things that might be suitable to keep him in virile muscles into his 80s or beyond.


How can they even whisper the words “New Olympics” when the non-profit Special Olympics for differently-abled athletes were shut down so hard, so fast, & legally forbidden to use the name?


Because they are rich wealthy assholes who do whatever they like and are able to find ways to punish those that cross them…



Also, he’s a horrible exploitative asshole, and he’s probably interested in ogling and making indecent proposals to a bunch of musclebound men ostensibly under his control…


Wait, when did that happen? I just checked and it’s still running? I can’t find anything about it being shut down.


Yeah, the IOC has officially recognized the Special Olympics since 1988.

Looks like there was a lawsuit to stop a San Francisco nonprofit from holding the “gay Olympic games” in the 1980s though.

Oh look, they have a page on the “Illustrious History of Performance Enhancements” which mentions East Germany without acknowledging that it and other communist countries forced athletes to take part in doping.


The government of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) initiates state-sponsored performance therapies for its athletes.

Between 1956 and 1988, GDR athletes won 203 gold, 192 silver and 177 bronze Olympic Medals.



That’s kinda like saying, “hey, if you drink a glass of wine a day you might as well just mainline fentanyl-laced heroin. It’s the same thing.”


Because it’s exploiting people to their direct physical detriment. It’s wrong. And we don’t need more data on it. A significant number of such athletes will be dead 20 years down the road and nearly all of them 40 years down the road. It would never be approved as a clinical study because it woukd be inherently unethical.


But isn’t what REALLY matters is that rich assholes get richer and the rabble are entertained and distracted as the venture capitalists continue to fuck up our planet and society so that they can be just a tiny bit more wealthy!!! I mean, aren’t athletes just an exploitable commodity like everything else… /s


Just wait until they come out with Xeno-Zip!

It’s gonna end up more ‘exeunt omnes pursued by drugged-up mutant bears’ at best, and like a cross between a high school athletics day and Fyre festival at worst.


Reminds me of this:


Yeah. Competing in a marathon while riding a motorcycle would also be “embracing technology.”


I remember a friend that abused methedrine in high school, many decades ago. He often injected a small amount to make it easier to fall asleep. It sounds like the meth abuse produced an ADHD type of brain chemistry in him and a small amphetamine dose calmed his overamped brain in the same way adderall works on you.

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That’s what I thought too. I assume that almost everyone who wins a medal at the Olympics is taking drugs of some kind.
This sounds more honest if anything.

If anyone breaks or tears something in the games, no doubt they’ll be put down humanely.


One would hope so. I mean, it’s not like billionaires funding and setting up these gladitorial combats contests think of the contestants as people, after all.