Venture capitalists are putting on their own Olympics—with steroids allowed

Wake me up when they allow athletes with physical alterations, including cybernetics.

Or they will be returned to the wild

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Well, if you can’t be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.


I mean, why is someone like Simone Biles not more than enough?

Simone Biles Sport GIF by Team USA

Who needs cybernetics when holy shit…


Or an athletic suppository.

Jockstrap - Wikipedia ?

Let me guess,


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Yea, that was the intent. Silly old joke I remembered.


The end game to this will be the Hunger Games


It’s all going to end with broke Bitcoin “Billionaires” betting on Boston Dynamics robots mashing buttons on the last working Daley Thompson’s Decathlon arcade machine.


I thought his doping was Hitler style milking (very) young men for glandular excretions to inject into his eyeballs (or balls?) or something like that.

Something really creepy and unpleasant with medieval vampire/Nazi sham science energy anyway.

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And this: The Mickey Mouse Olympics. One of my favorite stories in Omni magazine.


… BTW my Maserati is a prosthesis now :racing_car:

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I wouldn’t put money on this being his only line of inquiry; but it sounds like you are thinking of the transfusions of young blood thing he was working on with “Ambrosia LLC.”

I’m not sure if he’s trying for a Deus Ex sequel; or if it just comes naturally.

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Venture capitalists want human guinea pigs.

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You may joke, but there were some very heated debates over whether sprinter Oscar Pistorius (nicknamed “Blade Runner” for his distinctive prosthetic legs) should be allowed to participate in track competitions including the 2012 Olympics since some claimed his prosthetics gave him an “unfair advantage” over non-amputee athletes.

(His professional running career ended shortly afterwards anyway after he went and murdered his girlfriend in 2013, but that’s another story.)

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