Originally published at: Vicious thieves steal the doormat from California's famed theme-hotel the Madonna Inn | Boing Boing
Most people I know who’ve stopped there did so because of the desire to use the famous waterfall-themed urinal when taking a pit stop on the 101.
Was a convenient about ½way point on motorcycle trips up and down the 101, back when I was so young as to only need 1 stop on a 400 mi day.
Not so much a rug, more like tapestry.
Oh, the humanity!
We stayed in a rock themed room with a “natural” appearing stone shower.
The night we ate at the Very Pink steakhouse, there was a big band and people swing dancing. It was very very fun.
Didn’t that place have financial issues, and was trying to sell itself? Good to see they are still in business, but sorry about the a-hole thieves.
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