Video charts women’s ideal body types throughout history

I’m inclined to suggest so, as well.

I’m sure somebody loves this person and, despite his dental abnormality, I bet he happily has sex too!

Thanks for the feedback and meta-feedback!

I really didnt understand the fat girl thing. None of that was in my family past

That’s definitely a major part of it, but I think there’s a deeper level there.


Actually, in the Middle Ages the feminine ideal was a slim woman with small “high” breasts “like walnuts” (whatever they meant by that). Unblemished skin was attractive too.

Aucassin et Nicolette, written in the 12 or 13th c., describes an ideal of female beauty: “She had blonde and tightly curling hair, and light laughing eyes and an oval face and a high well-shaped nose, and her lips were redder than the cherry or the rose in summertime, and her teeth white and neat: and she had firm little breasts that lifted her dress as if they were two ripe nuts: and she was so slim in the flanks that you could have enclosed her in your two hands: and the flowers of the daisies that the toes of her feet crushed, that lay beneath the pressure of her feet above, were quite dark against her feet and legs, so white was the young girl.”

It’s in the renaissance that you start seeing female attractiveness as being more hefty (although still usually relatively small breasted, for what it’s worth)

Sometimes, after you start to roll your sleeves up, you realise your arms just aren’t long enough.

Your arms ain’t long enough to box with . . . GOD!


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