Waitress receives tip: God wants you to go home and cook

They wear their ignorance like a badge tho…


But who will serve the food to the mans if not the womans!? /s


Wow - yer right. It’s like bizarro-world privelege checking, in which I even visualized the asshole through a filter of “of course it’s the man”. Good call.


I take it that this particular Real True Christian missed the ‘laborer is worthy of his hire’ stuff?




According to the source, it was a husband and wife couple that left the “tip”, so really it could be read either way.


Here’s a tip, don’t do drugs. Ha ha.

Seriously though, if this isn’t a hoax, then fucking hell that’s awful.

It’s also terrible that in most states it’s legal to pay servers well below minimum wage so they have to rely on tips. In fact, in many places if you don’t leave a reasonable tip, it’s actually a net loss for the server – you’re literally causing them to lose money by serving you. Yeah, it sucks that this is legal but it is what it is.

I’ve made good friends with servers throughout the years and have heard all of the horror stories and behind the scenes dirt there is to hear.

It’s hard work for shitty pay and they often take the brunt of the blame when things go wrong, even if it often isn’t their fault. If you take the time to be nice and courteous to your server (even if you have a complaint or problem) that can really brighten their day. No, you’re not going to get that cute female server to give you the hand job you’re obviously entitled to, nor will you likely get free food or anything but you can at least feel good about yourself for having some common fucking decency. In other words, don’t be That Asshole.

Also, female servers aren’t there for you to casually sexually harass. Sorry, but that’s the truth.


I thought the same thing. And the writer gets to sit in smug contentment because “My husband doesn’t cheat on me because I’M a good Christian woman.

Not only that, but it shines a bright light on the idea that “Boy will be boys, cheating is just what they have to do if their woman isn’t good enough, it’s all the woman’s fault if he cheats.”

No wonder these people hate Hillary far more for her husband’s sins than they ever did Bill (or Donald, or Rudy, or…).


I worked in the service industry for years as a bartender. I dealt with a fair share of obnoxious drunks but never had the “here’s a tip for you” receipt lecture. Maybe it happened mostly with the waiters/waitresses.

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I’m fairly certain you don’t need to apologize for saying that, as it’s the truth. :wink:


Or more to women? (Just to jump in and ass/u/me your gender.)

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There was a similar story at a restaurant not far from me — “we don’t tip gays” type thing. Turned out to be a hoax. I’d like to think no customer would write that on a napkin, but having it be a hoax is worse!


That aspect isn’t necessarily the most insane part of all this: while relatively few contemporary christians(especially in the US) are actually anti-modern enough to say mean things about a more or less capitalist society and the existence of market relations between people; the idea that market activity and the legal system are how men relate to one another; while women are ‘domestic angels’ whose labor is allocated according to premarket patriarchal norms isn’t at all uncommon.

The writer apparently didn’t hold this belief strongly enough to, say, endure the inconvenience of not being able to eat out; but the concept is at least as old as the industrial revolution.


My tip to the Watleys: BURN IN HELL!!!


As someone who worked as a waitress for years, yes, that’s likely true (in restaurants, not bars). It’s more common for waitstaff to get this kind of treatment and it’s much more likely to happen to women (who are imagined to not need the $$$ by some, as some think we shouldn’t be out working anyway, but waiting on “our man”). It’s also more likely to happen at cheaper places as opposed to nicer places. There is a different dynamic I think with bartenders and especially those who are men.

As I had precisely this kind of thing happen to me, I don’t at all doubt this story.


Not sure if this was what you were referring to but there was this story that made big news a few years back:

That was later revealed to be a hoax (with layers of lies on top of that).


Yes that’s the one. Restaurant is closed now but that location is one of those that cannot hold on to a tenant for very long. But guessing this bad publicity did not help any.


[1] You need tips to provide for your family. Ha ha.
[2] What husband? How do you know she’s married?
[3] Her imaginary husband can’t keep it in his imaginary pants, and suddenly it’s her (not imaginary) fault?
[4] If her imaginary husband’s imaginary manhood is that fragile, it’s already a disgrace.
[5] AHAHAHAHHHAAAHHHAA… oh. You’re serious. Well, aren’t you special. Carry on then.
[6] Assuming she actually has a husband and children, what makes you think she doesn’t go home and cook her family a hot meal at the end of the day?
[7] They couldn’t figure out if it’s Hiel Hitler or Heil Hitler.
[8] Geez… if this is love I don’t want to see hate…

Holy Jesus Fuck this was tough to get through with a straight face. Spelling gets a C-, Grammar gets an F+, Logic gets a 0 because you wrote this at a fucking Cracker barrel instead of staying at home cooking a hot meal for your cheating insecure micropenis husband you fucking fuck and Religion gets a D. If you can stomach being taught by a female teacher, go back to school and try again when you learn something. Good luck.


Maybe I’m just too much of a Northerner but I’ve never had a good experience with okra. It’s slimy, yucky, and basically has nothing redeemable to me.

There’s way too many other southern foods I’d rather eat. Like pimento cheese. My mouth waters just thinking about it.


Despite years of begging, we have no deep fat fryer.

With such a device I COULD COOK ALL MEALS yet this proud announcement fails to sway my wife.