Wake up to Eggs with Kevin Bacon


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For Bucks Fizz fans, been done before.

Could use snappier editing.

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Aw I thought that was adorable… except oil? Not butter? Ew.

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I thought the long, uncomfortable pauses were perfect. Laughed so hard I hurt myself.


I have to say, when on the DC Metro yesterday, seeing an ad for House of Cards, with Kevin “the other white meat” Spacey, I was mildly surprised it wasn’t a Public Service Announcement. Along the lines of, “For your safety, do not stand between the tracks and people who think you know too much.”

He’s been flogging EE (née Orange) mobiles for a while now in Merrie Englandlande as well.

If Bernie Madoff took all of my money, I don’t even want to think about what I would be willing to do on the internet with an egg.


I’ll buy that for a dollar.

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Got a laugh out of me… sufficiently odd.

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