No, they are going to have a QR code that tells you…well, bricks your phone or tells you…what the day in lies has been in canon, including hints at any accidental relevance to real concerns, and licensable names for those .
Drumpf lies precisely because the press refuses to call his words lies. So, good for the WSJ in continuing that tradition.
He lies because it works. I doubt anyone external would or could change his rhetoric, just take away his Twitter password.
It works because they print the lies.
I’m saying that before the media went to bat to improve Trump’s “reputation”, he still lied. He’ll continue lying if (HAH) the media takes a critical tone to him, I just don’t think he’s lying any more or less now than he always does.
I guess that’s true, and perhaps we should give politicians the benefit of doubt. But I’m tired of giving politicians the benefit of the doubt. They aren’t on trial; they’re running the country. After all the evidence of politicians lying over decades I think it’s better to give us benefit of calling them out, so maybe they’ll start to think twice about lying in the first place.
The WSJ lost all credibility when it was sold to the Murdoch organization.
The really should change the name of the paper to “Fox Financial”.
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