They’re meant to be “sexy”, not sexual!
Anyone know what movie that clip is from?
The foreground picture seems to land… on the camera. It’s a weirdly off putting little breaking of the fourth wall and I’m curious what it’s from.
Isn’t it The Room by Tommy Wiseau?
Yes, it is…
giphy. com /gifs / theroom-the-room-tommy-wiseau-l0HUiSuU68zYUKtSE
War on books. Even mainsteam media is using this name…
This annoys the fuck out of me
But the rallying cry of “parents’ rights” is being wielded to do far more than give parents their rightful voice. It is turning public schools into political battlegrounds, fracturing communities, and diverting time and energy away from teaching and learning.
It is some parents"'rights" trampling over every other parents rights. By removing the books, these assholes are removing the choice from every other parent to allow their child to read the books. Many districts created tiered library systems, where certain “controversial” books couldn’t be borrowed if the parent of a student had opted out. Others did the same, but parents had to opt-in to allow access. But that wasn’t good enough. These parents had to take the books not only from their own children, but from all the other children. Most of whom have parents who do not want that. I don’t want my daughter limited by their white, cisgender, heterosexual fear mongering.
So no. It is not parents rights. It is a very small minority of people taking away the rights of other parents. Continuing to phrase this issue as parents rights is disingenuous
Oh, it’s the Room… the worst movie ever. It’s worth seeing if you like watching awful films that believe it’s ground breaking… there was even a film made about the making of the film…
This. It’s the typical RWNJ mentality that they have “rights” and “freedoms” to trample everyone else’s actual rights and freedoms.
Not to mention that the “morality” of this movement is clearly evangelical xtian, and thus a violation of the establishment clause.
Ah, but if your child reads it, she might talk about it. Doing so might expose their poor little snowflake to ideas. And nothing is scarier than ideas! So, it makes sense that the only safe thing to do is to ban ideas from schools, dontchasee? (/s, if i must)
We don’t advertise it or anything, but I’ve already got a banned book shelf in our living room. She and her friends can’t even read yet
Our district hasn’t gotten targeted by these assholes yet, but a nearby district has. And really, if a child just happens to read “Sex is a funny word” at my house, how was I to know they weren’t supposed to?