Warner Bros repeated includes its own URL in piracy takedowns

religious education?

[often if I reread uncommented regexp scripts I wrote years ago I have a head-scratch moment - what the fuck does this? why does it even work? voodoo and black magic, believing* in my former self helps]

* in the religious just-don’t-check-it sense

Ah yes. “I just googled the solution to the problem, and if I copy and paste this line into powershell, everything works out. Now to add it to my enormous spreadsheet of code snippets and forget about it.”


Right. And the “g” stands for “google”, doesn’t it? As in “google regular expressions program”.

ducks swiftly


2 out of 4 … well, that’s not too bad for some purposes, I guess. (Now I’m just waiting to hear that from a student.)

That’s sarcasm son. Look up TECO and DDT…they predate GREP by years.


Which of course is the reason you and your like are not in charge at Google. Just saying.

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