Washington Post calls for "blackout" on Trump coverage, appeals to RNC

And I think the Pope is far sexier than Trump, but there you have it!


Given a choice?



Oh sure now you call for a blackout when he’s the actual candidate and everyone else (who are all varying shades of terrible) were in the running.

NOW you call for a blackout.

[insert rant here.]


Never ask a question if you don’t want to hear the answer.


And yet. And yet…


God that’s a great campy movie.


It has a huge cult following amongst the gay community too.


This is like someone who has given up alcohol on doctor’s orders suddenly preaching to all his friends how they should stop drinking, when the truth is they really want a drink. I’m sure the Post would rather be getting that coverage, Trump is an addiction the entire media has been wringing their hands over since day one, but it never stops them coming back for more.

Is boing boing going to stop covering all of Trump’s idiocy? I’d say they shouldn’t: it’s Trump who gives himself the bad press, his poll numbers have been going down for a couple weeks now. And the way things work today you really only need one person with a cell phone to get video of him saying his hateful bullshit and post it to the web, then everyone can “report” it without even having reporters there.


Holy crap! The Dems are actually working in the Senate today and this too. Nice to see folks in DC actually doing their jobs for once.


OK this is kind of an egregious attribution error – in the headline "Washington Post calls for… ", and in the body “In response, the Post is calling for …” This is incorrect and terribly misleading. What is true is that WaPo editorial page writer/columnist Dana Milbank is calling for…

There are a lot of op-ed columnists at the Post, with a wide variety of views on the world. They don’t guide policy. Only the Publisher and Executive Editor could make a decision like this. Attributing Dana Milbank’s opinion piece to the Post as a whole, especially when it is about policy at the Post, is simply incorrect. It’s only marginally better than writing something like “Reddit says that Donald Trump is going to win!” or better yet “Reddit calls for Reddit to shut up about Trump already.”


Oh I know, if I was any closer I would’ve caught that show!

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At this rate pretty soon there won’t be anyone left to cover Trump anymore.


Well, thank Dumbledore for that.

Just keep talkin’ Donnie; you’ll either give yourself a stroke, or you’ll end up sticking your foot in your mouth all the way up to the hip.

I have yet to see any of my fav queens perform live, but “soon come.”

There’s always The Onion.


Over at TPM Josh Marshall compared Trump’s campaign to a “heavily leveraged business”-- his entire campaign is built on him winning-- he wins polls and primaries because that’s who he is (or says he is), a “winner”, and if he stops winning and starts going down in the polls then it’s like the business collapsing. Quote: " If your campaign is based on winning and bragging about winning but you’re demonstrably losing - and perhaps losing badly - you start to look ridiculous."

Can you imagine Trump just dropping out of the race now, if his numbers suddenly went down to 30%? It sounds like a fantasy, but if anyone could do it, thin-skinned, thick-fingered Donald could (remember another billionaire dropping out of the race close to November, Ross Perot in '92?) It’s not like Donald actually believes in anything except his own self-worth, and the lower the polls go the less important it is for him to continue the campaign, “I’m not going to win, there’s nothing for me in this anymore, screw it.” Kinda like declaring chapter 11 and cutting your losses.


… And that’s how the US elected its first Libertarian president.


You sure he’s not going to make out well if/when he loses? He already doesn’t pay back debts.


We can all participate by refusing to click links to articles about Trump (and articles about things Trump said, and articles about people talking about things Trump said Trump, and so on). If news websites stop seeing a response to Trump articles, then (hopefully) they’ll write about something else.