Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/03/10/washingtons-secret-giants-the-colossal-driftwood-of-la-push.html
I’ve been there, and those driftwood logs are indeed massive. I climbed up on one and paced its length to estimate it at over 100 feet (30 meters) long. Just a giant stonking tree, washed up like a twig.
Beat me to it. was just editing my post. ha.
I can well believe it. If the waves are chucking around that many tons of wood, they care bugger-all about you, tiny meatbag.
'ey! you’re giving away my ‘secret’ retreat! [wink]. By the bye, “La Push” is a light spelling corruption of the French for ‘mouth’ (La bouche) of the nearby Quillayute River
Interesting. Makes sense, though I would never have guessed. Do locals pronounce it “push” or “poosh”?
“push”. oh, and geoduck is pronounced ‘gOOey-duck’ (it’s a well-established shibboleth)
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