WATCH: 3D-printed robotic spider dress teases the future of responsive fashion


From what I can see, that dress looks amazing.
A pity that the camera operator got too close and got bit. That looks like some powerful vemon.


Well I can see that this type of fashion will evoke a strong reaction, mostly of the screaming and running away type.

My son says all the kids are wearing these.

WTF is it with the shaky-cam, out of focus shots, and jump cuts? Are Hollywood hack directors now covering technology/fashion shows?



You’ll poke an eye out!

But cool looking, in an H. R. Giger sort of way.

It makes me feel like they are hiding something. My guess is that the interest level quickly diminishes once the viewer gets a good look at it, therefore they keep the camera moving and insert quick editing cuts.


Reminds me of this one that actually has a dress attached to it:

cool dress, uninformative and slightly shit video

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