I was raised by wolves. So there’s that…
Years ago, a mouse got into a fresh box of cake donuts. The little varmint had nibbled one or two donuts but left its calling card on all of them.
ETA: grammar
I got the worst food poisoning of my life after eating some pasta salad from the Whole Foods prepared food section-- I called them the next day to let them know and their response was basically “well you can’t prove it”. I lived in NYC for 25 years and have eaten all manner of things from all kinds of places (I used to go on biweekly dumpster dives with my dirtbag friends) and somehow Whole Foods consistently manages to be the most disgusting place in town.
I live in China. I once lifted some vegetables from a stand at a wet market, only to find an entire family of mice. When I pointed it out to the lady behind the counter, she just shrugged.
I have been here for 15 years and have only got sick three times, each time from restaurants attempting to make western food. Maybe western food needs more mice crawling around.

Maybe western food needs more mice crawling around.
Ummmm NO.
Presumably Amazon doesn’t pay it’s workers enough to care.
Have to be honest. Kind of sad you went with “shat” rather than “scat”…
Holy Crap! I think we watched this at least once a year in elementary school!
Hat’s off to you fellow old person!
Not disputing the need for cleanliness and rodentia-free grocery stores, but… the expectation that it will never happen in any store is a little Pollyanna. We share our habitat with millions of critters and then we’re shocked when they invade OUR spaces. Even the expectation is probably only about a hundred years old, really, out of ten thousand years of city dwelling.
If you invent doors that only humans can pass through, you’re gonna get hella rich. The meat should be thrown away, the area should be deep cleaned, but the outrage? Meh. I think the little feller should get some sort of award for heroically brave epicurean of the year. If it were a stray kitten it would be trending as cute.
Sort of like the old joke:
Waiter, there’s a fly in my beer!
Don’t worry sir, he won’t drink much.
At the risk of over sharing, I grew up the kind of poor and rural where we learned as kids how to butcher roadkill deer so as to get at the good parts. I’ve eaten more groundhog than most people have seen. Though maybe unwise, I still hold onto some lessons from that time like never wasting food.
I’m saying I’d rinse that veal off, cook it to well done, and never give it a second thought. If it were dry goods or something else I wasn’t cooking first that’s a different story.
It’s not like bugs, which are basically crispy protein, right? Participated in the moose kill program when in Alaska. Charities, food pantries and such can sign up. Any roadkill moose gets given to the next group on the list. They butcher out to 600-700 pounds of meat, so it can feed a lot of people.
That flashing pink ON should be brown. Just FYI. :^P
SoCal is lousy with markets, and I’ve been to a lot. By far the cleanest I’ve ever seen is the Vallarta Supermarket near us. Whenever we want to load up on fresh ingredients, that’s where we head on over to. What hits you first are the floors which look like they’re washed and waxed every day; kind of astounding. The meat section? Immaculate, as one can tell by the display cases and meat bins which appear operating room clean even with all the products laid out. The vegetable/fruit section products are laid out in a way that reminded me of the Anal Retentive Chef in SNL; everything had to be arranged perfectly. The owners were interviewed some years back, and explained their rigid maintenance philosophy as being a way to differentiate themselves from other Southland markets; a philosophy that sticks its finger into the eyes of other owners.

Maybe western food needs more mice crawling around.
He’s right. “Polite” company refer to it as the “vein”.
I will not be sharing this comment thread with one of my close family members who retired a couple years ago from a career at the USDA as a meat inspector. Nothing good could come of it. I’m not ready to lose them to a heart attack or stroke.