Watch a parrot pull a boy's loose tooth

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That explains where Iago got his.



I’d keep that thing in its cage at night.




I’m intrigued… How did the parrot learn to do that?

You looking to expand?

So… Gross unsanitary animal reaches into vulnerable human orifice and performs unsanitary amateur surgery in said orifice using its vomit hole?

Did I miss anything?

Personally I’m very against keeping birds as pets, primarily because they’re genetically designed to be free and live in ranges of square miles while travelling through the sky, and that just isn’t a thing we can simulate for their bid brains.

Secondly,they’re just insanely loud all hours of the day and night

Thirdly, they shit everywhere because they have no rectum and anus. The bird colon empties directly into the cloaca.

Gross unsanitary animal reaches into vulnerable human orifice with tongue and performs unsanitary salivary manoeuvres in said orifice using its vomit hole. known as kissing.
Secondly,they’re just insanely loud all hours of the day and night.
Thirdly, they shit everywhere. Seriously, they can’t spend an hour on a train or in a restaurant without shitting.
Probably primarily because they’re genetically designed to be free and live in ranges of square miles.

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You’ve mis-characterized what I’ve said, but that’s fine.

I tried to express a personal opinion and I (I take full responsibility here) didn’t do it well.

So, while I personally, don’t put my head in other people’s mouths, groom my skin with my mouth, vomit in order to feed anyone, touch people at all if I can avoid it, be quiet if asked, and shit in toilets instead of everywhere (because I have a rectum and anus and a modicum of personal restraint), and if faced with the task of having to pull a tooth out of an adolescent’s mouth would do so using sterile gloves and probably tools, I wouldn’t condemn a bird’s existence for doing so without such precautions because it’s just a bird with a brain the size of a peanut (probably smaller). I’d just say that it’s really gross, to me to let a bird do that.

Additionally, I won’t say that birds aren’t enjoyable pets to some people. Just that I find birds repulsive on multiple counts and wouldn’t ever let one try to do anything in my mouth and that I think birds generally are unsuitable as pets for the sake of the bird and myself, but will admit that some birds seem happy being confined to a cubic meter or less of volume but don’t understand why.

Each to their own.
But if you spend your life avoiding germs, they’ll kick your ass proper when you do encounter one, especially with a few of his mates along.

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