Watch a pro tree climber scale a scary-tall tree

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How is he a professional exactly?


“This tree climb sponsored by mud water.”


I did get a nice free milk frother from mud water. Alas the mud itself was not to my taste, too much cinnamon.

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He is paid money to do it? Otherwise he would be an amateur.

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I have a few friends in the tree-surgery business.
They have some cool tactics for tackling monster trees, one of which is to shoot an arrow tied to a string over a high branch, then pull up climbing ropes attached to the same string. It’s quite an art.

One of the local lads (he’ll be in his fifties now) emigrated to the 'States a decade or so back, married a lovely lady, and now spends his time on the Redwoods in California.
It can take him two days to reach the top of some of those beasts - he camps halfway up.

He also enters the yearly “lumberjack” tournaments, where he holds the tree-climbing record.*
You have to get a rope up a large tree, plus safety rope, and ring something like seven different bells on your way down again.

I’m in awe of this kind of thing, I haven’t climbed a tree since I was a kid.

*I should say held, and in the seniors category.

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