Originally published at: What it's like to be a recreational tree climber | Boing Boing
Thanks for sharing this Popkin! At first I thought this was a gag, but after reading their website, I’m going to join just to cement my “Tree Name”: Stank Delicious.
Some of my fondest childhood memories are of climbing trees.
Aye… Which led to climbing other things.
Funny how, as adults, we forget how to play.
I am a proud member of a brachiating race!
Not just our species either. Baby gorillas love to climb and swing from branches of trees but you hardly ever see an adult silverback leave the ground unless it’s showing a pretty blonde lady the sights of New York City.
Why am I imagining Mighty Joe Young lying on the ground thinking, “I just knew saving that kid would probably mean breaking a hip!”
What it’s like to be a recreational tree climber
“Recreational tree climber”: A climber of recreational trees? Or a recreational climber of trees?
It’s an expensive recreation the way they suggest. I recently went back to one of my favourite trees when I was a child and had a little climb, didn’t want to risk the limbs (mine or the tree) by going too high but a good fifteen feet off the ground.
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