Originally published at: Watch a puppy battle the sea | Boing Boing
In absence of further information I’m assume that this one is “Xerxes”; and looks super scritchable.
You could watch them forevers.
All hail Canute, Pup of the Northern Sea!
According to my pupper translator, it said…
Wait, the I found the treasure! It’s right there. You’re not gonna just let the ocean take it, are you?
Obviously I never met Xerxes I, but pretty sure I’d be happier to see this puppy invading! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xerxes%27_Pontoon_Bridges
Castles made of sand …
Now, I don’t just want puppy, I want that puppy. Give me puppy.
He needs a cofferdam.
Did Caligula really declare war on Neptune? : AskHistorians
So the little dog was just following a tradition of the nobility to fight this enemy that attacks in incessant waves!
Good doggie having a frustrating time! He deserves a puppers.
That’s it. We have to get rid of the sea. - Gustavo Woltmann
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