Watch amazing footage of a car dealership before, during, and after a Pennsylvania tornado hits

Originally published at: Watch amazing footage of a car dealership before, during, and after a Pennsylvania tornado hits | Boing Boing

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At least they knew to get into the only room without a window or exterior wall.


Good thing they had a brick shithouse nearby to shelter in.

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Did this just happen? This seriously just happened. This did not just happen right now. Bro. This seriously did not happen. This seriously just happened. Bro. Did this seriously just happen right now? Did this seriously just happen? This just happened. Did this happen, bro? Bro. This did not just happen.


yeah it is all a special filter on my cam…
not one of these idiots seem to have a weather “app” on their phone to warn them of impending doom… but it got posted to tik tok!

Seems like it was a group or strong leader that got everyone into the safest space. If the tiktocker was alone, would they have continued filming or made the smart decision?

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Visuals: interesting, and yikes!

Audio: feel like I clicked on one of the BB clickbait ‘articles’. Bro.

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