Watch animal rights activists transform King Charles' face into Wallace, from Wallace and Gromit

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Sheesh, everybody’s an art critic these days…


Pick your leader by their bad portrait painting…
At least with this one, you know what you’re getting.


The video describes the act as “vandalism”; which seems hyperbolic, as no actual damage occurred.

The stickers were on the glass covering the portrait, and it was probably very easy to remove them.


I don’t like the picture, as I think the least thing we need right now is a “king in the field of his enemy’s blood”, but i don’t think we need to deface even the glass as part of that.


That’s, like, just your opinion, commentator.


jah, I dont know; while I dont hate it, it kinda does look like a willi sitte cranked to 11, doesnt it?

Curious timing for the stunt too… :thinking::

(I can’t wait!!!)


How common is it for UK establishments to display a reproduction of this sort of portrait?

Not common at all, the only real call for reproductions in a gallery situation would be when the original could be damaged by the environment (light etc.)

Ah, this refers to a different portrait.

The portrait of the King that will hang in public buildings such as courts and government offices has been unveiled.
Taken in Windsor Castle, it is a very traditional formal portrait of the King in an Admiral of the Fleet uniform, with medals and honours on display.
Public bodies such as schools and councils can request a free A3-size, oak-framed copy of the photograph.

But obscuring that sort of portrait wouldn’t have the effect that these nitwits woould like.

It wouldn’t last a day at my old school, someone would have drawn Groucho Marx glasses and a moustache on it before lunch.


Groucho Marx GIF by hoppip


He is looking more and more like his mum.

The topic of my current read.

“The babies were named Agnes and Dora, and christened by Harald in the chapel. By then they had faces. Identical faces, identical mouths opening at identical moments, identical cheekbones and blue eyes. They resembled Harald himself, they had bred true to stock. They had a faint white down on their pulsing little heads. ‘Like cygnets,’ William said to Eugenia, when he found himself, unusually, sitting beside her in the parlour when the nursemaid brought the babies down for their daily visit to their mother. ‘You are like swansdown and they are like cygnets. They don’t seem to resemble me at all.’ Eugenia, muffled in silk shawls, put out a hand from amongst them and took his. ‘They will, you know,’ she said, with a new matronly wisdom. ‘I’ve seen ever so many babies, they change from week to week, even from day to day. Resemblances run across their little faces like clouds, papa today, grandpapa tomorrow, Aunt Ponsonby on Tuesday and great-grandmama at Friday dinner-time. It’s because they’re so soft, the dears, so plastic, you’ll suddenly see your own chin on Agnes and one or other of your grandmothers smiling out of Dora’s eyes, if you’re patient.’ ‘I’m sure you are right,’ said William, noticing with surprise and pleasure that the little round hand was still in his, that the soft fingertips were still in his palm.”

— Angels & Insects: Two Novellas (Vintage International) by A. S. Byatt

Yes. I’ve seen the film. I know what is to come.

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Wallace seems like an odd choice as an activist against animal cruelty considering that he (or maybe a close relative?) was the inventor of that pie machine in Chicken Run.

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