Watch as an armored car driver displays nerves of steel

It’s actually really neat to see that the video ends only 1.5km away from where it started. And they probably passed a KFC during the chase.


He turned around multiple times in the clip, which I found interesting. I wonder what the tactical reason for that was. Trying to avoid being cornered? Staying close to where help would come from?


Adventures of ADHD Armored Car Man!

“They’re trying to rob us! Ooohhhh, KFC!”

“Ahhh focus, man, and drive!”


Man, the sidekick looked scared! Can’t blame him, so no trashtalk on his behavior. Maybe it was his first week on the job. And maybe his last, him thinking, this ain’t worth my life!


I am completely that sidekick. I wish I was the driver, but let’s be honest, I’m the sidekick.


Unfortunately, this probably speaks to how expendable the company views its guards. In their budgeting calculations, designing and installing a fleet wide panic button GPS enabled system is probably more expensive than dealing with a few losses here and there.

Also, as humans we consistently overestimate our ability to do simple things like operate a phone in an extremely high stress situation. The advantage the driver has is that he (like many of us) is so used to operating with his vehicle as an extension of his body that he doesn’t lose that connection in a moment of panic.

“Using tools of any sort allows me to extend my physical self into the tool and perceive the world through that tool.” Source: “I Am My Car (And My Toothbrush)”


I dunno - what good, exactly, does a panic button do? Maybe they had one on the dash and hit it, but how would we know either way? It seems to me something like that is going to be over quickly. Even calling the cops, unless they are right there, how are they going to drive to and engage in a rolling shoot out in time?

Yep. In high stress your fine motor skills go out the window, and your training and experience hopefully kick in (fight and flight, vs freeze).


A faster response time to get help on the way? Watching the video they didn’t even think to call for help until a few minutes in, while a panic button could’ve gotten that started without pulling their attention off the crisis at hand. Even a few minutes can make a huge difference when it comes to police or EMS response.


Fuck all the other stuff. I want to know who they get their bullet-resistant glass from. I’d be thanking my lucky stars I didn’t actually get shot, because that one window shot would’ve probably critically injured him.


/me thinks the sidekick is a little on the “what else could I do?” underchallenged side. He prepares the gun, has the pistol ready and calmly does a one handed phone dial.


Thanks for this. It is important to drill down a bit geographically. To say “South Africa” does SA a bit of a disservice. Probably even saying just Johannesburg isn’t that useful, but my local knowledge is lacking at that point. Anyone from Jo’burg here that can give some context?

BTW can’t imagine this being in Zim. The cash wouldn’t buy much next week.

I was thinking the same thing. What more could he have done? I guess called someone from the get go rather than several minutes into the shootout.


My South African friend has this to say about the video:

The guys involved in cash in transit heists are crazy. There often all ex-military from a civil war somewhere in Africa, are armed to the teeth and don’t care about anyone else, so will shoot and kill anyone who gets in their way.

Also they’ll do it in broad daylight, so have little fear of police or other responses.

ETA: Whatever they are paying the truck drivers, it’s not enough.


Spoiler alert: The other vehicle was driving backwards and they were trying to steal the algorithm to allow Sator to end the world.


That’s what I was thinking too :smiley: Real cyberpunk





can’t help but think of this…

how you going to shoot out of that armored truck, roll the windows down!?!?!?


Wondering what the drivers background is? It doesn’t seem like this is his first time getting shot at or maneuvering a vehicle in a high speed chase. Then he gets out ready to spray lead.

Cool video and happy the guys are ok.


Yeah, I agree, weapons prepared and calling on the phone. If you’re in an armored car, you want to stay IN it, not roll down a window or open a door and return fire. Let the guy drive and the armor do it’s job.

I know in some armored trucks they have gun ports for just this sort of thing, but 1) I don’t think this vehicle had those and 2) you probably shouldn’t be shooting back on a crowded road if you don’t have too.

Though it still kinda blows my mind this is over phones… but I guess if they are name brand units worth $500 a pop, that’s pretty good loot.