Watch: 'Bannon's War' on FRONTLINE (PBS)

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But I will actually watch it.

I also recommend this:


Right, because replacing it with rabid Objectivist weasels is such a good plan.

I guess it never occurs to them that when they bring down the system that supports their privilege, as unlikable individuals, they’ll be first in the stew pot?

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I’ve never heard anybody suggest Bannon is an objectivist. He’s a fascist, which is quite a different beast.

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In general rather than Bannon specifically. They’re all somewhere on that spectrum of unpleasant.

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Hopefully this war ends with a life long stay in The Hague too.

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Bannon’s War sounds like an American remake of Foyle’s War. {But with a racist f@#$head instead of a wise old cop as its’ protagonist.}

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FRONTLINE is such a great series. I’ll definitely be watching this.

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