Craptastic filmmaker Steve Bannon is dropping a propaganda film on Sept 09* to try and freak out trumpers enough to get them to get off of their pee stained Barcaloungers and lick off the Cheetos dust from their fingers and vote in the mid-terms. Bannon has a penchant for fear films. You may remember his early works:
*Sept. 9, is the second anniversary of Hillary Clinton’s statement, seized on by the Trump campaign, that “you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.”
And to this day I don’t understand why anybody would triumphantly raise high the mantle of being a bigoted racist white nationalist, which is what Hillary was referencing.
Meanwhile a junk book from the Mercers’ Government Accountability Institute is being promoted by the Mercers’ Breitbart with the pre-excuse that the Democratic Party stole the November elections.