Watch Billie Eilish interviewed by an A.I

It’s amazing how AI is able to copy natural patterns and replicate them. Goes without saying that interviewers should become more creative with their questions



I think a lot of people just find it harder to get into new music after a certain point. There’s probably also a personality type thing going on here, although I’d hesitate to speculate too much, and you do have to make an effort.

I’m early Gen X and based on the handful of songs I’ve heard she’s got an interesting songwriting voice. I don’t mean her singing voice, which is fine, but the narrators who inhabit her songs have a perspective I haven’t heard a lot.


I really liked those questions.


And many millions of all sorts of other young people who don’t know and wouldn’t care what “neoliberals in the tech sector” like. I doubt those many millions have all “fallen in line automatically.”




I was just feeling feisty, because in my experience, people tend to bust out the “so edgy, bro” as a sort of “thought-terminating cliche” to kind of fire off a pithy personal attack salvo, often on the grounds that their “opponent” is male and therefore must implicitly be an internet edge lord, basement swamp troll, or the next Elliot Rogers, or whatever other bizarre stuff seemingly everyone I encounter online thinks / assumes now (this also includes the authors of corporate media think-pieces). So I figured it would be fun to paint with a brush as broadly as others often do to me

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