Watch Brits try to speak like Americans

Brosnan was born in Ireland, but after moving away as a child he completely lost any Irish accent he had.

There’s another Irish actor in that clip but he’s from Northern Ireland trying to do a West Mayo accent and failing.


Was there a distinct Australian accent in Ned Melly’s time? I truly don’t know.

The USA “southern” accent didnt develop until after the civil war, so all those movies get the accent completely wrong. Savanah Georgia has a distinct accent to this day.


Was Ned Kelly’s accent the same as a modern Australian accent? Certainly not. But there are records of people noting a distinct Australian accent in the 1820s, although it would have been knocked around a bit by the Gold Rush.

But if you go and listen to recordings of the Australian accent around the 1910s and 1920s, you can hear a lot of the foundational sounds of the Australian accent as we know it, and there’s good reason to believe that those features were in the spoken language a generation before, when Ned was executed in 1880. It’s thought he may have had more of an Irish tinge to his accent, given that the North East High Country had a high Irish immigrant population, but Ned’s parents were married in a church in the center of Melbourne, and he lived his whole life in this part of the world.

Here: General Australian from 1915:

and Prime Minister Joe Lyons from 1932:

It’s disturbingly difficult to find a recording of broad Australian from before the 1960s (when television technology started allowing for voxpops of the man on the street).


I wondered why they did that and the only thing I could think of is Jagger’s Australian accent is even worse than his Irish?

And that is one of the worst ever.


Well Chrome is the actual worst browser in the world. It still is barely functional as a browser but its main job is to clutter your life with ads and to sell your data everywhere. It is slow and very memory and bandwidth intensive. I recently moved to an iPhone so I don’t have any choice any more (even if it’s not Safari, it IS Safari just with different branding) but when I used android I never used Chrome. I used Brave and Firefox with Privacy Badger and other ad blockers. IIRC Boing Boing is unusable without lots of blockers.


BB works nicely in Firefox on my mobile, though I do also run DuckDuckGo’s App Tracking Protection which blocks a lot of shit.

On desktop I use Brave for viewing BB, critically with javascript disabled just for the main site.


Just, FYI, we do have a thread for such issues…

I’m sure someone can suggest ad-blockers, etc if you asked there…

See Jon Ossoff GIF by Election 2020

Seth Meyers Idk GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Colin Jost Shrug GIF by Saturday Night Live

And ATL doesn’t have much of an accent, because we have so many people from elsewhere living here…


The road man wasn’t bad. Also I liked the hello how are you guy.


You should see him on Avenue 5. His character is American pretending to be British. But it’s not his natural accent, it sounds a lot like his Blackadder character.


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Pierce Brosnan and Alison Doody are both Irish, so that’s just shite o’ the pair of 'em.


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