WATCH: Car dealership stiffs pizza delivery guy

I love it when people pull that shit.

Customer: “I’ll have your job!”

Me: “Well it looks like there’s nothing more we can do for you today. Thank you, have a nice day!”

And I still have my job. Because 99% of the time people are happy with my work, which is a clear indicator that the 1% is a wack job.


I think this is their mean-spirited “salesman/closer” ethic at work. The customer, anyone to whom they can make a sale (at the greatest possible price) at their lot, is a sucker. A tip is money thrown away. A tip is for suckers. And they’re not suckers.

They probably watch “Glengarry Glen Ross” during the company Christmas party.


Pizza is for closers.


An apology is more sincere if you shout it.

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Is this just some sort of confirmation bias on my part, or do people who talk about ‘females’ instead of ‘women’ (barring biologists or just plain nerds consciously affecting the ‘talking about humans as though they were an observing primatologist from mars for humorous effect’ gag, which may or may not be funny; but doesn’t seem to be the same thing) generally turn out to be total pricks?(and that, for whatever reason, you far more rarely see the use of ‘males’ in the same way, even though it would be equally accurate, grammatically and biologically)


The owner of the dealership and his son came by to apologize to Palace Pizza in person on Wednesday.

“I was the manager on that night, and today they came and spoke to me, profusely apologized,” Willoughby said. “We both want to make things right between us. We don’t want any bad blood.”

In The Godfather II, the young Vito Corleone politely asks a favor of a fellow Italian. The man initially brusquely refuses him. But, by the next day, the man has discovered what a terrifyingly dangerous man he’s just displeased: he returns to Don Corleone and gives the most comical and profuse apology in the history of cinema.1

In this analogy, the cowardly apologizer is the used car salesman, but Vito Corleone isn’t the pizza store owner or the pizza deliveryman: Vito Corleone is the Internet.


Winning comment (of 200-odd) there:

Joseph Carbone
The fact that Gary Batista is lying in the “apology” makes this worthless. Review the FACTS… The OWNER posted the original video to youtube on his works account. Though he wasn’t present in the room… he is as guilty for posting this. Second… The alleged man that they claim posted this, whom “doesn’t work there”, was IN FACT listed on the company original website (that they pulled) as being employed there from 2008 to present day. Third… the tough guy calling for his job should also be fired, he is after all the sales manager (according to the site they pulled down). So all this happened in front of your management, who said nothing, stopped nothing and clearly was in on it from hearing his remarks after Jared left. This entire happening is YOUR OWN FAULT F & R… and this sorry excuse for an apology is not going to be accepted by most. Unlike your employees there… we have a brain and can see for ourselves (thanks to your own video), the truth in all this. Try again… all those employees are at fault, not just the "foot in ass’ lady.


It isn’t a gag, it’s practical. Not unlike in Haroid Garfinkel’s “Principles of Ethnomethodology”, which demonstrates how practicing obsrvation as an outsider can help one to overcome some bias which might otherwise go unnoticed.

I don’t wish to deny that it can be useful; but when people are doing it aloud, at some length, and hamming it up a bit, it is generally for humorous purposes. In my experience that is the more common case that causes people to use ‘males’ instead of something else at all, and ‘females’ for reasons that don’t include being a probably awful person.

I suspect that it is used as a tool of analysis as well; but that isn’t as visible.

75% schtick, 25% serious in my case.

Hello, my name is:

That’s $20 pizza before $8 dealer cashback.


The pizza guy totally had a good point when he asked why they gave him the superfluous bills if they were expecting change. Like this is what the car guy expected to happen:

Pizza Guy: The total is $12.
Car Guy: Here’s $20 in singles.
Pizza Guy: Here’s your change…8 of the very same singles you just handed to me for some reason…
Car Guy: You made me look foolish. I’ll have your job for this.


It’s time to call all these “Bosses, Bosses, Boss” and tell that fargin’ icehole what’s up showtime baby. And I’m from there, and I know it shouldn’t feel this way, but it’s still embarrassing.

I believe it’s called “The Ferengi Effect.”

At least, that’s what I call it.

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