Originally published at: Woman loses argument and her car at Chick-fil-A drive-thru | Boing Boing
karen files lawsuit against chik-fil-a for not having bollards around the parking area in 3…2…
Clearly what Jesus would do
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I wish we could figure out how to channel all this rage we now seem to be generating and unleashing on each other at the slightest provocation, and focus it on more important targets like the ultra wealthy.
The employees genuine concern over that trash persons well being was a nice reminder that good people are still doing the good work of bringing good to others.
Must be some good chicken.
I have a lot of questions, but the biggest one is: why did she follow the car over the cliff?
Damn car must’ve been woke.
I saw something similar happen in a Trader Joe’s parking lot. We were walking out with our groceries and some guy in a truck was arguing with another guy. At one point, truck guy jumped out - neglecting to take it out of gear. Also, his wife was in the passenger seat. Thankfully she had the smarts to hop over and hit the break before they crashed into anything. My guess is they had an interesting conversation on the way home.
Hopping into a moving vehicle, even a slow one, is more difficult than one might expect. Don’t ask how I know this.
[yelling over embankment]
“Ma’am! MA’AM! You can’t park there!”
Hopping in as you rapidly approach an immovable object, and your leg gets stuck, and it’s someone else’s car, truly is a challenge. You are not alone!
You’re only as big as what makes you angry.
(I’ve seen this attributed to William Sloane Coffin, also something similar from Winston Churchill, but I first read it in a James Earl Jones interview.)
Chick-fil-A will probably fire anyone not always putting on their happiest, most sunny, Christian face at all times, especially when they’re being abused by customers. That’s most likely why they are being kind to her - because if they don’t, they’ll be out of a job.
I came here for a Crispy White Karma Fillet with extra schadenfreude mayonnaise… mwah!!!