Watch countless American news anchors mindlessly intone the same propaganda script

Selective cuts where someone is repeating the talking points from a Clinton campaign press release, just like where they’d repeat the high points from a White House statement or Trump tweet. Show us right afterward when they go to a panel analysis of what it all means.

Not the same as a scripted statement.


Trump’s personal conduct, lack of qualifications, lack of transparency, conflicts of interest, unhinged behavior, willful ignorance of the political process, racist and sexist rhetoric and outright criminal activity are all unprecedented in the history of network news. It would be insane to expect the media to cover his administration as if it was business as usual.

Again, you are welcome to find an example of news anchors doing the same thing for the other side. Thus far the closest thing anyone has been able to find is footage of campaign spokespeople using the same talking points over and over again, which is clearly not the same thing.


You know if you’re going to go somewhere and give a dissenting opinion, you do kind of need to provide examples and actually explain your position - otherwise what’s the point?

My views line up pretty closely with the general consensus here, so I don’t comment much because it’s usually been covered.
You and Comedian are bringing in a different view here, but even people who are willing to debate and discuss it in good faith don’t really have anything to work from if you just say “What about…” and “both sides” without backing it up.

If you leave it there, of course there’s just going to be a chorus of “Nah, you’re wrong” before everyone else eventually moves on.

TL;DR I’ll open google, research and backup an argument, if you will. Otherwise, let’s just all say “you’re wrong” to each other, get it out of our systems, and move on.


Major networks are smart enough to not use the exact same wording, but still push the prescribed narrative. I’m sorry if that subtlety isn’t obvious enough. But I have the feeling I’d never convince you that the same behavior is conducted by both sides regardless.




NBC was SOOOO anti-Trump that they GAVE HIM HIS OWN SHOW FOR YEARS, the bastards!


To be fair, as far as I can tell, the best way to build an anti-Trump narrative is to point a camera at the guy and let him do what comes naturally.


Yes, but some people LIKE him the way he is. They think he’s a straight shooter whose just telling like it is and is going to “shake things up” or some such other nonsense.


Bafflingly true. But I suppose the silver lining of Sinclair’s apparent fuckery is that they would’nt have to do it if those people were the majority and everything was going swimmingly for Trump.


That’s a good point, too. It’s pretty clear that a minority support trump, but they are a vocal minority, and you know what they say about squeaky wheels. This is some weird divide between wanting to cater to a particular vocal demographic, and in turn profiting off the culture wars, and right wing propaganda aimed at trying to convert people. The culture wars are a problem for them, though, because the left wing gets just as entrenched in their views and aren’t likely to come round just because of their local news spouting a party line over and again. And of course, it’s unlikely they watch their local news anyhow.


The lame stream media is SO anti!-Trump! /s


But, but… one of the sources is the NYTs! FAKE NEWS! /s


If you want to convince us that the behavior is the same on both sides then how about actually providing an example to bolster your point?


Watch the evening news on all three networks. Make note of all the loaded language. Again, I think this subtlety evades you. You only want to hear your view, and it’s being fed to you.

I realize I’m preaching to the echo chamber here and you refuse to see.

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The squeaky wheel may get the grease, but I think the Sinclair group’s actions points to Fox, the Republicans, and Friends increasingly realising they’ve painted themselves into a corner reaching for the culture war WD-40.

Guns, abortion, and Christian “persecution” are the three legs of their culture war stool. And in the wake of the Parkland shooting they’ve found themselves facing off against a group of laser-focused, media-savey and telegenic teens people are rallying behind and now they have to start taking the fact 80% plus of Americans have consistently polled in favour of gun control reform seriously - and they’re currently flailing for a counter.

They’ve noticed they’re sitting on a stool where one of the legs has been infested with termites and is getting a bit wobbly. At the same time some states are slowly starting to push back on the gerrymandering they’ve relied on for so long.

IMO the fact conservitve organisations are turning to pretty blatant propaganda in local news, which is so easily spotted by comparing them all side by side, means they’re making a push to shore up the base.
Which in turn means they’re no longer sure how much of that vocal minority is going to stick with them, or at least keep getting out the vote, much longer.

[ETA: I really hope I’m not being too optimistic in my reading of the situation.]


There’s no point any of us reiterating the counter-point of your view, because it’s in every article on this topic on B.B., it’s in almost every comment under those articles.
You know the echo chamber’s argument, and the echo chamber’s examples are all over this site.
Stop telling us there’s no point preaching to the echo chamber, and doing it anyway. Start backing up your sermon with counter examples and arguments, so we can actually have a discussion and help make it less of an echo chamber.

Or don’t. But, I’m bored, have the day off, and am looking to either have a reasonable debate with someone who disagrees with me, or a mutual comisseritive complain-off with people who agree with me. Whichever.

But, I’m also perfectly willing to keep sea-lioning the shit out of you as long as you just keep posting to complain nobody here will just agree with you without you having to make any effort.


I told you what to do. Sorry I won’t spoon feed you. You are right; this is pointless.

Have a good evening anyway.

The “this is just like MSNBC/CNN bias” argument is tosh; this is clearly a major escalation in the propaganda wars.

However, two points:

  1. This media consolidation that made this possible was created by Clinton’s Telecommunications Act of 1996.
  1. Obama legalised the targeting of state propaganda at American citizens.

Watch and compare a significant sample of all the major mainstream news outlets, and draw my own conclusions? Sure, I’ll do that again. I’ll get back to you in a couple of days, likely with the same view. Because you’re making zero effort to give me a window into how you’re drawing your conclusions, so I can’t evaluate my assumptions against yours and have no chance of figuring out if they match reality any better than my current set.

On the off chance your latest “this is pointless” is your last - Hope you have a good evening as well.

And if it’s not … refer to previous replies:



I guess you don’t understand what Sinclair is actually doing. Perhaps you should watch the assigned video again.