Watch Fred Armisen imitate every North American accent

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When he gets to Minneapolis around the 3 minute 56 second mark he totally drops one of the lines from the infamous sample that starts off this blistering Replacements song:


Good, except anyone living in PA will tell you that Philly and Pittsburgh might as well be in different states, and what he does for Baltimore is actually Pittsburgh. Baltimore is it’s own special beast.


His accents for TX could’ve been more on point… why Dallas? There’s quite a few excellent regional accents within TX that are more distinctive. Also Cajun and other Louisiana accents are very interesting, dont think he covered those.

Overall it seems more of a medley of regional characters than a proper imitation of US accents. Sounds like a criticism though its not intended to be so, the bit is well done.

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He’s got a great routine just doing accents from New York City:

Rockaway . . . brilliant.


No one… NO ONE… who is not from Maine ever does the accent right. It’s closer to Massachusetts than England, but still far different. I love Fred, but his British take on Maine accents is totally off base.

EDIT: sorry Les, not intended as a reply to you per say, hit the wrong reply button.


Yeah, the Maine accent was wicked bad.


Today I learned that Canada and Northern Mexico have a single accent each.

Maybe stick to the US, Fred.


I too wonder why he skipped over Louisiana. There is a plethora of beautiful sounds in the accents there!

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super impressive

He skipped over the entire state of Louisiana and I don’t blame him. It’s not for the uninitiated. Hell, I can only do my own accent when I’m drunk.

Here’s a great short doc that covers only the New Orleans metro area:


This comment made me laugh out loud. Clearly you’ve never been screamed at in Yat.

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Yeah I managed to completely forget my smalltown Alberta accent until I watched FUBAR, then it all came rushing back. Also when I go back to the hometown and out for beers with my old friends.

I’m sure there’s some reason he skipped Colorado. I mean, it’s not because the accent in this state is weird, and really just a combination of all the states surrounding Colorado. I’m sure it’s because he forgot. I also think his CT accent was just for the part of the state next to New York. In the rest of the state, there is no accent, because CT is the most boring place in the country.

That was my thought exactly! He did get yinz right but in Philly they’d say you’s.

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I found this whole routine amusing, but I don’t think any of the accents were right. I know he flopped on all the New England accents (I live in Western Ma. and oddly have no accent…). His Boston was not even near correct.

Still, I laughed.

I lost interest immediately, since he got Maine totally wrong right off the bat, as others have commented.
From that point on he just seemed like an unfunny high school teacher trying to ingratiate himself to his students.

Born and live in Pittsburgh- we don’t sound like that at all.

The so called Pittsburgheze accent is actually subtle, and is more a lexicon choice, such as gumband, pop, slippy. There are, actually, some rare folk that have the kind of comical accent we are known for, but its never as strong or pronounced as is claimed, unless you were sports announcer Myron Cope, who was just to 11 all the time


Maine is Massachusetts but much slowwaaah and everything’s a little peculiaahh.

He was off the mark on Vermont. Vermonters don’t “hit the T,” they drop it. Here’s a great piece on the Vermont accent, with audio clips: