Originally published at: Watch French riot police fall for the oldest trick in the book | Boing Boing
I guess between the masks, the riot shields and the mist (tear gas?) they didn’t have the best possible visibility.
They ignored the “No Entry” signs. You can only help people so much…
That was much funnier than I expected.
The French do still love a good pratfall.
Yeah, the synchronized falling was just perfect in its comedic timing.
Their love for Jerry Lewis makes sense now.
The line between storm troopers and stooges is very thin, it turns out.
It could have been worse. They could have hit a mime field.
Now that’s a riot.
I mean, the chain is actually visible in the video. How could they miss that?
I spent a while trying to figure out what was going on. I think there’s some sort of tripwire across the street just above ankle height, I think I can see the rings on the signs where they’re attached. Someone with better eyesight or knows better what’s going on feel free to confirm or elaborate.
At first I couldn’t see it so I though that it might be marbles, like in Animal House.
there’s a chain. maybe to stop cars from entering, or maybe just for the cops. don’t know which
I’m speachless! Lost for words!
If the chain was there for the cars it would be a little higher and with placards to make it more visible, and there wouldn’t be zebra crossing marks on the road. That looks like the exit from a one way street.
Skynet will remember this affront.
Maybe if they added a water curtain?