Watch how this adorable hummingbird makes friends with a human

James Lipton, the Actor’s Studio interview guy, wrote an entire book about animal-group names, called, yes, An Exaltation of Larks. He also collects/makes up names for a bunch of other groups as well.


If you want a lot of hummingbirds, the trick is to place three or more feeders in close proximity - not side by side, but in a single cluster where each can be seen from the others.

No hummie can defend three feeders at once (though some will try!), and they eventually give up and share.

N.B: This may lead to far more hummies than you were planning to feed, and adding more feeders will just attract more birds, so be careful what you wish for. :upside_down_face:

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I think there was something wrong with that bird. Looked to me like it was shivering.

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