Watch Johnny Rotten call out Jimmy Savile decades before Netflix

The worst thing Q-Anon and now the Republicanist drumbeat on “pedophilia” and “grooming” is that it trivializes actual child and teenage sexual abuse by adults as well as providing a smokescreen for such evil perpetrators.

It’s always projection. ALWAYS.


Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon

But also, his abuse of kids happened for years prior to Qanon/GQP. It happened because he was a “respectable” man who had power in British society. He got away with it for the same reason that coaches, doctors, priests, teachers, preachers, and other genteel people get away it - because they have power over others that they can actively exploit and have cover because of who they are in society. I’d say that they are using a moral panic that doesn’t exist to give cover to the predators in their midst.


I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out it’s either utter rubbish or wildly exaggerated. Lydon has been coming out with a lot of stuff like this of late -Private Eye has been diligently fact-checking and calling him out on it. Given that this involves both Lydon and Piers ‘Morgan’ Moron I reckon PE will be all over it in the next issue!

There is no doubt he said it, as there is a recording of it, which was on a PiL album and that Morgan plays. So, he SAID it. Whether or no the got banned is another question - it’s entirely possible that he had an unofficial ban for a year or so, as that did happen in BBCs history (see the Pogues playing Streets of Sorrow/Birmingham Six on air and getting cut off half way through). It would not have been the first time that had happened to Lydon either. Jon Savage argues that the SP absolutely had the top-selling single when God Saves the Queen came out, but it was pushed to #2 due to the controversy (and despite being kicked off EMI and picked up by Virgin, which was a new label at the time) and the charts coming out with the #2 spot just blank.


He also casually blurred the lines between consensual homosexuality between adults and predatory sexual exploitation of minors with a slur there. He was right about saville though and right about the big money machine that protected him too, but it’s also clear his cone of hatred covers a lot of ground.


Growing up weird in redneck country my male role models were on UHF TV because real life was shit. Mr Spock, Number 6, and John Lydon were my aspirations. Well, Nimoy turned out to be basically a saint, the worst you could say about McGoohan was that he was a misanthropic alcoholic (i.e. a saint in my book!) and Lydon, well… much like the Mozz, the fact that I’m saddened by their later failings of character just shows that I’m a better person than them, but I know it was what they thought me that made me better. I don’t have a problem with that, and I’m grateful for the path they blazed, even if something happened to them that they were unable to stick to it?

Also Savile was a monster and BBC was complicit. I almost wish there was a hell.


There were rumours and jokes around my school late 70’s early 80’s “Jimmy Savile shags dead people” kinda thing.

Occasional comments - usually from comedians - years before he died.

youtube “Nudge and wink jokes about Jimmy Savile (1978-2007)”

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