Originally published at: Watch Kevin Bacon demonstrate the best use for USB | Boing Boing
Very creative. At least he didn’t try to plug it in.
“Let’s see, left over right and under…no, that didn’t work, okay right over left and under…”
I’ve done that before with my belt.
Scanned for viruses? Just be aware in the digital age that could be anything at the other end.
It’s not a bad solution for a dog that’s not going to be pulling on the leash/lead but for dogs that do that USB cable is not going to be enough
Good cable choice. Dogs are incompatible with Cat5.
I guess it’s true what they say: “On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.”
In the EU, will he be mandated to walk his dog with a USB-C cable?
Any bioconductor in a pinch, but I want to see the dog take commands. Backup! Sith! Down! Stand! Stay! Okay!
I had my wife cut my hair a few days ago because I was sporting a Kevin Bacon fluffy hairdo.
I should have let it go and be like Kev.
I tried to sit by Steve Buscemi
But he told me this seat’s taken
I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy
Who know a guy who knows a guy who knows, Kevin Bacon
– “Lame Claim to Fame”, Weird Al Yankovic
My friend Wheezy once peed on Kevin Bacon. So I’m two degrees away. And anyone who reads this is three degrees. Thanks Wheezy!
I see he is going for the Adam Savage look. Good choice.
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