Originally published at: Watch: Krysten Sinema takes time to cozy up with Mitt Romney in "Ted Lasso" gif | Boing Boing
Clearly both trying to trigger the left; ignore and move on.
Nothing says professional alliance like clear enthusiasm to perform cute skits together publicly.
And nothing says I don’t give a fuck about pain of Americans like KS doing cute public skits with MR.
More and more, politicians seem like desperate high school introverts, begging for any shred of popularity or relevance.
ignore and move on.
It says nothing. We already know she’s a right-wing plant, and did a very good job of pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes. Good for them, they got one over on us.
Why do politicians do things like this?
I can’t interpret anything when I’m retching.
Tell us you actually despise your own party without telling us you despise your own party.
This goes for both of them, really.
That’s not what “introvert” means.
Right? Introverts want to be left alone…
Yeah, but this is Sinema we’re talking about. Opposite Day every day!
I don’t have AppleTV and haven’t watched “Ted Lasso”, but I understand it places a great deal of emphasis on kindness and altruism toward others. I can only assume that Sinema and Reek chose these costumes in the Halloween spirit of pretending to be someone you’re absolutely not.
Kyrsten Sinema, do you know what happens when you play football with no left wing, don’t attack and give the ball to your opponents at every opportunity?