Watch live as Christine Blasey Ford testifies at the Brett Kavanaugh hearing

Yeah I don’t find it odd that there’s details she doesn’t remember. First of all, trauma does things to your memory. And I can remember details from a Halloween party I went to in high school but I actually don’t know whose house it was at or how I got invited. Nothing traumatic happened, and I didn’t go to a lot of parties so you’d think it would be memorable but … I’ve just lost that bit.


They’ll pass him because their screaming id demands it. The Republican Party is now at its very height in pro-sexism and pro-racism, fully married to the idea that white men and ONLY white men are worthy of anything. To deny a rich white man a prestigious position just because he’s a drunk, a serial rapist, a sociopath devoid of any empathy – they simply can’t stand for that, no matter how bad it makes them look to normal people.

I don’t know if it will make any difference at the ballot box – I expect the Russians to be casting most of our votes for us for the next decade or two – but I hope some political price is paid for this.



This is me right now I just can’t watch what I expect to be a horrific emotional dumpster fire.


God can you just fucking drop dead already Orrin Hatch


They’ve been hitting that drum regularly. As have commentors in the press called as experts on the subject.

Traumatic memories don’t get “repressed”, nor do they exist with perfect detail. Certain types of key details get burned into memory, while the rest of it gets foggy like any other memory. Perfect recall is a sign of lying or false memory. Blasey Ford’s account is exactly what you expect with this sort of thing. The things she does remember clearly are precisely the types of things that get remembered, in exactly the level of detail they get remembered.

ETA: Its also funny the run Mitchell took at discrediting the polygraph. Implying it was payed for by a party with ulteriot motives, that Blasey Ford was prepped to cheat it, that the circumstance and examiner were sketchy. Asking questions Blasey Ford couldn’t possible know the answer to.

If you want to impeach polygraphs its easy. polygraphs are utter bullshit. But doing so might not play well, because the public believes in them. So “just asking questions”.


For those (like me) not watching this farce live seeking additional context to this plea (though really, none is particularly needed), I’m guessing this is what you were referring to?


I don’t think she could be convicted of perjury, because she almost certainly believes everything she is saying. No matter what happens today, she is gong to become a famous member of the resistance. If she wants, she can get a book deal, and certainly can join the speaking circuit.
She will return to Palo Alto a hero, no matter how this turns out.

Oh yes, absolutely, because what every survivor of sexual assault wants is to repeatedly talk about their traumatic experience in front of crowds of strangers. That’s absolutely the reason why she’s come forward with this. To make money.

Jesus Christ. Read the room.


Hey, he’s Just Asking Questions about what might happen afterward!


This has spiraled so far out of their control that they’re just openly giving away the game now.


Sure, nothing to do with a person who has hurt her badly and stained her whole life is about to be handed that much power and likely to revoke her rights. Totally nothing to do what that. Money is the only real motivation a person would possibly have in airing this kinda of emotional wound.



Amazing how tone deaf they truly are. She is testifying about being sexually assaulted and Hatch decides now is the best time to talk about how she is pleasing to look at.


Too much like ‘right’.

Can you say Bill fucking Clinton, or Al Franken?!?


That’s the one. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Funny. There are 19 scandals listed here for 2010-2018. 5 of them are Dems as far as I could see.

Perhaps Lindsey Graham should be less concerned about Dems “never” being subjected to accusations of sexual misconduct and concern himself with WHY THE FUCK SO MANY FAMILY VALUES GOOD CHRISTIAN REPUBLICANS CANNOT KEEP IT IN THEIR PANTS!!!


Even if that were true, how do you get to the point that your response is this?

So everyone must be accused of what anyone else is? Is that like communism, but for assault accusations?


Clearly that is NOT what she wanted out of any of this. She did everything she could to maintain her confidentiality until it became clear that that was no longer an option.

It’s frankly kind of disgusting that people keep insinuating that she has come forward in the hopes of finding fame and fortune.


And now Don Jr just tweeted how (paraphrasing) “It’s fishy that she has a selective fear when it comes to flying and can fly for vacations but not for a hearing”


A fear is not rational you nit-wit jackass. And it is perfectly reasonable that she is able to overcome that fear for things she can rationalize as more important than succumbing to the fear. Additionally, she has clearly shown her fear of flying is not a phobia…its a common and normal fear. She takes a med of some kind, perhaps has a drink, or flies with someone she is comfortable with (LIKE MAYBE HER GOD DAMN SPOUSE).

I seriously loathe Donald Trump Jr.