WATCH: Musician arrested for singing in subway

I wish I had the time to go to New York and throw him a twenty.


This should be put in a gold frame. Someone was wrong on the Internet, got called on it and they admitted it to it without a bunch of blustering. Well done!

Can’t you send money directly to a gmail account now?

I disapprove of your awful subway performance, but I will defend to the death your right to do it… OK that may be an overstatement… but if that is the Metroplitan/Lorimer G train subway stop I think it is, it tends to bring out some awful performances.

Really reminds me of what I read the other day about teaching Apes sign language, they can hold a conversation but none has ever asked a question.

So the police can read but if they’re unable to understand the laws they’re supposed to be enforcing… aren’t they just monkeys with guns?

Just one more big apple bad apple…

I think the real reason he was being ejected is that his guitar is tuned a half step down.

But in seriousness, well handled by him.

I’ve busked, and begged before. You have to take bigger drops out of your collecting vessel, or you’ll make nothing. Also, £100/day is most likely not more than £10/hr. Not great considering what hard work it is.
(ETA: I completely agree with your premise; just sayin’)


Anybody know how this was resolved (post-video) ?

A rally was held in the station yesterday above the platform where Andrew Kalleen was arrested, at which performers and supporters gathered to perform, playing the two songs featured in Andrew’s arrest video, and Andrew went to the stationhouse filed a complaint with the CCRB. There have been some reports that the charges have already been dropped and the officer is being retrained but not penalized, but no confirmation that this is true. We should know by Friday.


A badge should not be construed as license to assault nonviolent law abiding citizens. This was assault and the officer(s) should be held responsible.

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