Watch Nikki Haley desperately avoid saying the Civil War was about slavery

What Warp Speed did was objectively a good thing by speeding up vaccine development and COVID-19 screening. I’ve seen plenty of praise from both Democrats and Republicans for this. I don’t agree that Trump deserves any special praise for this. He was basically doing the bare minimum I would have expected any president to do given the circumstances. I guess we should be thankful he did even that little?

(And it didn’t help that he tried to take all the credit for vaccine development as if he was in the White House basement synthesizing it all by himself, while at the same time sabotaging this pushing an anti-vax and anti-science agenda basically kneecapping his own COVID-19 response team including Fauci.)


They celebrate their “culture and heritage” in a great festival in the cities of Americana and Santa Barbara D’Oeste.

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not screening. his administration specifically stopped the us from using the who’s tests, and from using the one developed in washington state. this led to a much wider spread than would’ve happened

much of what went wrong - from testing, to ppe in hospitals to masks and mask wearing, funding, public information, tracking, and on ( the list is long ) - they were all made worse by his actions.

it’s what he did do that was the real, and deadly problem. if he’d been content to do nothing, more americans would have survived


Yep. And lest we forget…

Trump doing nothing would’ve been far better than what he did.


Not screening so much as producing and subsidizing tests. We all remember the whole “if we don’t test then numbers will be lower ergo fewer people will be sick” nonsense. Sorry I wasn’t clearer.

Sadly this is true. If he just used the power of his office to cut red tape in the FDA and invoked the DPA to make critical resources available and then simply shut the fuck up, we would have all been a lot better off.


yeah, i can’t wait for jered kushner to be back solving things like ppe distribution and peace in the middle east. he did such an amazing job last time around /s :sob:


… well fuck


An excellent, precise breakdown. Beautifully written.


So, basically, Michael Harriot?

Idris Elba Reaction GIF


Who knew? Who’s better, who’s best!

(Off-topic, but anyone who knows me is not shocked.)


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