Watch North Korea's film on Kim Jong Un's Singapore trip with Trump

Yeah, it’s a tightly controlled and impoverished autocracy. It wasn’t a wealthy place to begin with, and having your country bombed flat and a fifth of your population slaughtered isn’t good for economic development.

OTOH, I’ve seen it claimed that North Koreans “don’t know what Africa is”…which seems unlikely, as they screened the 2010 South African World Cup match on KCTV. I’ve seen it claimed that North Koreans “don’t know what love is”…which is just batshit racist dehumanising nonsense.

And, related to that, I have seen more than one white American seriously argue that nuking North Korea is justified “because death would be a merciful liberation”.

Yes, North Korea is a nasty totalitarian state, with all that implies. But some of the warmongering craziness about the place is dangerously out of hand.