Watch: Now some Republicans even want the bible banned

i’m a long-term agnostic and i know better shit than that.

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Switch to ebooks, in the EPUB format and store them on a USB drive.

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Not quite. It’s more Ah, Plagiarism…. A lot of the ancient parables and supposedly historical events were based on Sumerian legends.


And not only stories can be lifted and reused. For instance:


this is in Rome, and it shows how you can recycle anything if you are willing to put in the work (and do not mind looking like a total miser in the process).


A Muslim friend said “We view Judaism as version 1.0. Christianity was 2.0. Islam is 3.0. Lots and lots of stuff in common, with a few tweaks and added features.”


Well, thinking your religion is the one that finally got it right is only to be expected. After all, I’m my family’s youngest child, so I must have been the one where my folks realized they had achieved perfection, right? As far as Jews are concerned we got the correct version, straight from god’s mouth to Moses’s ear and all the rest of you are backsliders.


I’ve heard that as well. Often followed by, “Frustrated that people still weren’t getting the message, Allah decided to really spell things out this one last time.”

They don’t say that the other two religions were wrong; it’s just that people were not quite getting the message as Allah intended.


Guilty as charged. :slight_smile:
(raised by lapsed Catholics into an atheist practicing Buddhist adulthood).


It does depend on the sect. For example, the Church of England (aka Anglicanism) is quite happy to admit that a lot of the bible is metaphor.

I went to a Catholic service once, and there was no Latin, and barely any incense, I was well disappointed :frowning:


There are still masses in Latin among sects that reject Vatican II.

The joke in Yes Prime Minister being that the bishop who thought God was optional was preferable to the bishop who thought the Crown was optional.

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