Originally published at: Watch: Now some Republicans even want the bible banned | Boing Boing
The book’s for thumpin’, not for readin’.
Now I really wish I had the money to hire a musician to make a hip hop version of the Songs of Solomon.
TBH, it would be lit.
Nothing surprising here.
This is the thing that annoys me as having been raised in a conservative Christian family but who hasn’t been a Christian in over 20 years. I remember the bible better than people who claim to be life long Christians.
The disconnect seems to be that I actually tried to believe in it and hit the brick wall that it’s unbelievable, whereas they claim to believe in it fundamentally, but actually only believe what they want to believe, so the cognitive dissonance never happens for them.
When I was in junior high this girl I knew came up to me in the library and showed me some of the weird sex stuff in the Bible. “Yeah, whatever” I replied.
Years later I remembered that incident and wondered “wait a minute, was she hitting on me?”
just add that to the long list of books people want banned, but have never read. if it aint on a hat or a t shirt, it’s tl;dr. what a bunch of noodniks.
Where’s the part where he opens the bible and reads it to them?
Granted, the story of Lot’s daughters doesn’t really feature in many Sunday sermons. People just aren’t going past the tried and true paths that the pastors are preaching from those pulpits.
Of course, I also don’t let my 5th grade daughter read the Bible…
Yes, I noticed something similar after doing a 6 month stint in Catholic school. I was not raised in a religious household, so everything I was taught about Catholicism and the Bible was new to me. I was shocked when I found I was one of the top students in my religion class. I was not a believer, but seemingly absorbed more about it than people who believe and had been raised in that tradition.
Those who don’t know Mark Twain may get lucky enough to repeat him…
That’s a pretty well-known bible passage too; not even especially obscure.
If they read the Song of Songs, they probably did it with their eyes closed.
Anyone who has paid attention to american conservative Christians in the past 30 years isn’t surprised by that.
Yes, that story is one that gets cut off short in Sunday school. Similarly the battle of Jericho didn’t include the Genocide bit.
Yes. You missed your chance.
I can’t look at my copy of Maus as it’s still packed away from our move, but isn’t the nudity involving his mother as a human? It’s an excerpt from “Prisoner on Hell Planet”, iirc and not part of the Maus WWII narrative.
Also, a few year’s ago I tried to find the original version of Maus online as it was published in Funny Aminals. I found an original copy for, like $5 and bought it. I didn’t buy it as an investment, but these fools may have upped the value a good bit!
This page has some excerpts for anyone interested.
I’m not out to get any book banned, but sometimes I want to go to one of these school board meetings and just do a dry read of the nightmare sponsored, sewer staged, underage gangbang from Stephen King’s IT just to illustrate how futile their efforts are.
They probably don’t want their kids reading about a brown Middle Easterner who discourages violence and encourages feeding the poor, caring for the sick, being nice to your neighbors, and welcoming immigrants, either. Sounds like communism to me!