Watch other NATO leaders grimace as Trump claims they owe money

Uhm, no. It went more or less like this:

US: “so, we’re having pizza at your house, since we’re already here anyway. Hey, I own a great pizzeria, we’ll order from there.”

UK: “alright, I’ll have two with pepperoni. Here’s the cash”

France: “actually I think I’ll just make myself a salad, but I’ll eat with you”

Italy: “eh, I’m kinda skint, but I’ll bring the best chairs I got, ok? And you can take them with you if you go to the park later.”

Germany: “we don’t really eat, last time we tried I burnt down the house. but you can use my living room.”

Turkey: “you can’t get pizza delivered if we don’t open our gate. We’ll open the gate today.”

Baltics: “dude, I bought pizza from the other joint for 50 years and it was much cheaper. Yours is better, sure, but…”

US: “Alright then, I’ll get a bunch of extra-meaty for everyone. Chip in what you can, whatever. Oh by the way, I like this house, I think I’ll sleep here for a while, ok? So the burglars will always see the lights on and leave you alone.”

Others: “… ok.”

years later, US-Trump: “hey, you never paid me enough for that pizza!”