Originally published at: Watch powerful waves break into windows and flood home, reportedly in Florida (video) - Boing Boing
Even as the climate emergency ramps up, there will still be suckers willing to buy Florida beachfront property.
I wonder if this unfortunate homeowner was able to get insurance. A lot of those companies seem to be getting out of the business.
Looking up “Venetian Isles St. Petersburg” on Google Maps, it looks uninsurable. At least at any price someone would be willing to pay.
Looking at street view, the entire area looks crazy. It’s on a bay on the gulf side of FL. So, it should be protected from most surf events, other than wind driven waves. But, why aren’t all those houses elevated on pilings. At a minimum, lower floors designed to flood and not for primary living spaces. Storm surge causing the bay to hold more water and flood is completely predictable.
The four types of FL home insurance companies seem to be:
1 - Ones that charge a price equal to the risk. A price nobody wants to pay.
2 - Ones that charge a cheap price because they’ll just go out of business when a catastrophe happens. For instance, in a few days as claims start happening.
3 - Ones that are leaving the market.
4 - The state of FL. Which will burden tax payers instead once claims are made.
That blows my mind. Also, the absurd prices they’re willing to pay for that real estate, despite the fact that it’ll soon be completely uninhabitable, worthless land, even if it’s only sometimes under water now. I can see why the Republicans in those states are so adamant about denying climate change, even as it threatens the very existence of the states - gotta keep the grift going as long as possible.
On that topic 99 Percent Invisible’s “Not Built for This” miniseries recently did a great episode on the state of home insurance in climate-change-ravaged Florida.
Climate deniers should always be invited to start up a new flood insurance company in Florida.
Perhaps I’ve been led astray by too many Florida Man memes?
we’re good. it is the meme featuring that person i object to.
even florida man has higher standards, js.
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