WATCH: Seagull wishes monkey would share stolen sandwich

You wouldn’t want your average lumberjack to get ahold of you either, not even the littlest ones. Once they get a grip, you aren’t going anywhere. Similarly, the horror of a money, even the little ones, is that they can grab you with two hands and two feet, and then bite the living hell out of you until they get bored.

Also, they are nearly impossible to injure. A friend on safari in Kenya threw a liquor bottle at a baboon picking through their trash and hit the baboon square in the head. The whiskey bottle bounced off and and the baboon just glanced at him. They decided to leave it alone.

In addition, their jaws really are massively more powerful than human’s so they can snip off your fingers as if they had bolt cutters. Add to that a level of animal savagery that even the most brutal psychopath would rarely duplicate, such as biting off your genitals.

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