Watch the most successful skateboarding fail ever (video)

The last piece of the clip looks like it was filmed in reverse - soooo smooth!

At the students union when I was at uni, there was a back staircase to give quick access down to the dancefloor. My favourite trick was to take each flight by leaning forwards, grabbing the midpoint of the handrail, and jumping straight over the steps to the next landing.

Missed the right hand grabrail once (possibly because of how many pints I’d had), but as I was relaxed I ended up somersaulting, pivoting on the left hand, and landing upright at the bottom. Still have no idea how the hell I did it…


The only person I could be in that series of falls was the kid with the red hair in the na-kel video (first fall, slo-mo), his eyes are still getting larger as the video progresses :smiley:


I once bit it trying to pop my bike wheel up onto a curb near a sizeable crowd. Got thrown over the handlebars and managed to forward roll recover right* onto my bike again.
Very out of character for my clumsy self.


Oh yes, do it! Me and my family have been taking parkour classes this year and I cannot recommend them enough. Firstly, they’re so much fun. Secondly, I’ve noticed a huge improvement in just the general dexterity of all of us.



I felt that in my equally brittle bones.


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